Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Throwning up at 13 weeks What the ...

So last night I felt fine until dinner, and then during dinner at the dinner table I threw up just like that. No warning or nothing. Well I had to clean it up by my self cause Cody said"if he smelled it he would throw up too". Anyway I just thought it was weird that I would throw up at 13 weeks I thought I was suppose to feel better or something. Any way I feel really blessed to only threw up once... so far.


The Loden's said...

Wow sorry to hear it, that is no good. When is your next appointment?

Jessica Bybee said...

You are lucky! I just hope you are not one of the people that get sicker into the pregnancy. Sorry--- that is horrible with no warning. I ruined a rug with good warning, but didn't make it in time.
Love ya!

The Royal Family said...

Ash, I was sick until 17weeks... so sometimes it takes longer to go away... Good luck! Glad to hear its just once so far! :)

Mason clan 5 said...

Yeah some people do get sicker as you get bigger. Maybe it was something you ate? Love ya