Friday, December 5, 2008

Baby Carson

On Monday December 1, we went to our target ultra sound appointment. At this appointment they take measurements of the baby's spine, brain and leg bones to see if he is growing and make sure that his on target for his due date. Here are some of his first pictures.


This is the first picture in 3D that we saw.

Doesn't he look cute!!
He is moving all the time and Cody now gets to feel him kick almost everyday. I can sure tell that he is getting stronger because his kicks and movements are stronger now then they were a couple of weeks ago.
Cody has some exciting news about his future. He as been accepted into the Sherman Williams intern program for the summer of '09. We are so excited that the things are falling into place. And Counting our blessings!


The Royal Family said...

congrats on the internship! AND FUN stuff for the baby. Any names in the running? How are you feeling these days Ash?

Jessica Bybee said...

so so so so so so so cute baby pics! He looks so darling! Congrats and love ya'll!

Mason clan 5 said...

Very cute! We love you! so where is the internship at?

The Loden's said...

Wow what a boy! haha Very cute!

The Royal Family said...

Can you email me your new address? I don't think I have it!

The Johnson 5 said...

Holy cow that is most definitely a boy! So that's what it looks like....hmmmm not like we'll ever see that on an ultrasound. ha ha He is sure cute! And I love your blog!