Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Birthday pictures and Smiles

Here are some pictures of his birthday, This is him sucking his thumb and him being weighed
(I don't know why it is underlining every thing but I can't figure out how to stop it SORRY)

Carson gives some pretty funny faces and we have been trying to get them on camera. Its funny to watch Cody and I sit on the couch and just watch him with the camera pointed just at his face waiting for the perfect picture and of course he is asleep in most of these pictures. Usually when he is a wake he is eating or crying and those aren't the greatest time to snap pictures.


The Johnson 5 said...

Oh he is soooooo freakin cute! I can't wait to see him and kiss his chubby cheeks! I love the picture of him on the ground. He kind of looks like he is smiling a little. And I think he looks like you Ash - so cute!

The Loden's said...

How sweet! Keep posting I love it!!!

Mason clan 5 said...

Makayla and Ethan say he is very cute! We love to see pictures.